Anna Pickel

Up For The Win

The meal was delicious and so was the bottle of wine they consumed. The food and the service were impeccable.   Pushing her chair back under the table, Em says, “I’m stuffed. Everything was delectable. What’s next on the agenda?” Laughing Daisy replies, “You have to ask? I’m headed back to the slots.” “I’ve got …

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Dressed for Dining

Em and Daisy sit in silence both staring out at the ocean before them. Daisy gently squeezes Em’s hand another time, then stands up and moves to the closet, “I am going to dress for dinner.” Em rises from the chair and moves to the drawers containing her clothes, “I should probably hop in the …

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The Event

Em remembers the night clearly. She was startled awake by her cell phone ringing. Answering without looking, she hears sobbing. Loud, heart wrenching sobbing. Pulling the phone away to look at the number, it’s Ruby.   “Ruby, what’s wrong?”   In between huge gulps of air, Ruby chokes out, “He’s dead Em. He’s dead. I can’t live without him.”  “Who is dead?”  There’s some …

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Initial Meeting

Her head back and eyes closed, Em sits on the bench outside of the casino in Atlantic City enjoying the sunshine and the unusual warmth for an April day while the seagulls scream to each other in the clear blue sky as the waves crash on the beach. Smiling and her heart swelling for this respite from life, …

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Valentine’s Day – Early

Origins February is the month of romance and has been celebrated as such with fragments from both Christianity and ancient Roman traditions. It is a time for hearts, cards, flowers, and color variations with red or pink. There were three martyrs recognized by the Catholic church who were either Valentine or Valentinus. One story about …

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Announcement I have an announcement ….. I am NOT perfect. Are you surprised?  I am sure this will be a BIG surprise for our children as I may have attempted to present myself as perfect while they grew. The sad truth is that I struggle every day to not swear, not lose my temper, and not doubt myself or my abilities. Another …

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Another Nice, Easy Read

The Need For Creativity When I struggle with my own creativity, I read. My hope is that others creativity will launch my own and to be honest, it is nice to escape into stories told by others. While my sister-in-law and one of my daughters enjoy Audible for their listening, I prefer holding the actual …

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I Loved Them All!

Happy New Year!   My apologies for not posting last week. I decided to take the week off from any of my writing and researching to recharge.  The past two months I’ve been reading. A lot. I consider it my homework since I am working to become a published author.  It’s the best kind of homework. …

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