Anna Pickel

Homecoming Love

Leah glances at her ticket again and confirms this is the section where her seat is located. She climbs the bleachers for the homecoming football game. Apparently, they put all medical graduates in the nosebleed seats. While her black boots are cute, the leather soles aren’t practical for climbing cement steps. Glancing at the end …

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Chocolate Cake

Daisy flopped on her bed in the room they shared. “How was it?” Em placed her bookmark between the pages she was at and closed the book. “It was nice.” “That’s it? It was nice?” Em grinned. “It was very nice. Shouldn’t we be getting ready for dinner?” “I don’t feel like changing. Anything goes …

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A Wonderful Afternoon

Noah scowled and arched his eyebrows. “Are you gonna make it?” She sucks in a breath. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll make it. I am really sorry for laughing, but know I wasn’t laughing at you.” “Well, you weren’t laughing with me because I wasn’t laughing.” “C’mon. There is humor in this. Maybe just a little?” His …

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Is It A Date?

Evan gobbles down the additional pizza and sips the water. Wiping his hands on his jeans, the grease from the slices not visible with the other grime the fabric contained. “Thanks ma’am. Preach, I’ll try to be in the shelter before it closes tonight. Gotta run.” Em gasps and looks around. “He’s gone. Where did …

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Excitement On The Boards

Looking over their shoulders, two men pound past the pizzeria. Following behind them, his fists clenched while pumping his arms for speed, is Ace. Em’s knuckles whiten as her hands grip the sides of the chair. Noah clears his throat, “Em.” Her eyes continue watching the three men run down the boards. The wail of …

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Getting To Know You

Daisy stands up. “Well, since you’re here, I’m going to head inside.” She sticks her hand out. Noah grasps her hand. “You don’t have to leave on our account. All three of us could hang out.” Em bites her lower lip to stop laughing. Usually, by this time on past trips, you’d find Daisy in …

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I have grown to love my naturally curly hair in the last twenty years and now it appears to be changing.

Introducing … Ace

Em wipes her sweaty hands on the hand towel, staring into the mirror above the sink in the bathroom. “Do I look okay?” She completes a half turn so she can see a side view. Leaning against the doorjamb with her arms folded, Daisy says, “You look great. I’d just walk through another spritz of …

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Weekend Beginning

Em knows to be ready before nine so that Daisy doesn’t head into Atlantic City without her. She is showered, dressed, and packed, waiting outside beforehand. She hugs Hanna and Gabriel on their way out with Ruby to deliver Hanna to pre-school. Em’s heart doubles in size, watching her sister interact with her children, moving …

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Long Weekend

The next several weeks pass with Ruby attending counseling weekly and caring for her children. This change for Em provides her free time. Time that she hasn’t had in over a year and taking that into account, her first order of business is a salon appointment where she has everything done. She leaves after her …

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