Answer The Phone

Should she answer the call? Her heart pounds in her ears and her hands are sweating. Her mom would not be happy that she called a boy. Sorry. A man. Her mom would not be happy that she called a man.

The ringing stops.

She solved her own problem. He hung up before she decided if she should answer the call.

Why did she call him? Sympathy? She shakes her head. Her phone chirps indicating she has a voicemail. Pressing play, she hears his voice advising it was good to hear from her and asking if she is all right. The concern in his voice is evident. Instead of calling him back, she sends a request to video chat with Daisy.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Daisy’s brow is furrowed and her eyes show concern. “Is everything okay Em? I saw you aren’t on line today.”

Em glances to be sure her door is shut and after confirming it is, she says, “I took a vacation day because it started well. Ruby agreed to go to counseling today and has been up taking care of the children. We even went on a picnic. Then dad called to tell us that mom was missing. Turns out she unlocked the door and walked down the street until a neighbor saw her. The neighbor was successful in keeping her busy until my dad got there.”

“That’s a good thing that Ruby went for counseling, right?”

“Yeah, it is. Dad is going to add additional deadbolts to the doors leading outside but place them higher on the door. He’s hoping mom won’t see them and knows she won’t be able to reach them. I think it buys us a little time before she has to be placed in a facility.”

“Aw, I’m sorry. I agree with you though, I think it buys your dad more time to care for your mom. He won’t take her moving to a facility well. Do you think he’ll move to the same facility to be near her?”

“No. I think he’ll go back and forth. At first anyway. I called Preach.”

“Wait. What? The guy from AC?”

“Yeah. I keep thinking about those big, brown eyes and the next thing I know I’m pulling his card out to get his number.”


Em sighs. “I’m not really sure. I felt like a fool after he picked up and I ended up disconnecting the call only to have him call me back.”

“I’m not really sure what to say,” Daisy says rubbing her forehead. “I know you thought he was cute and you were curious about him but I never expected this.”

“I didn’t either,” Em says, shaking her head slightly. “What possessed me to call him? I barely know him. He’s like an acquaintance.”

Daisy snorts. “You’re asking me? I’m just as surprised as you that you made such a call. I find it interesting that he called you back and left a message. He could have just hung up when he called back and he didn’t.”

“Do I call him back?”

“Em, I wouldn’t have called him in the first place. You’ve only had two interactions and based on what you told me, they were brief. Very brief.”

“They were. There’s just something about him. I can’t explain it. He’s kind. He has this sense of calmness and peace about him. Both are items I could use in my life right now.”

Daisy nods. “I know. I’m not sure how you’ve been handling everything. You’ve got stress from work, your sister, and your mom. I’m not sure I could do it.”

“You could. You’re strong and honestly, you don’t think about it. Every day you get up and put one foot in front of the other. Sleep at night and do it all again tomorrow.”

“It’s a lot though.”

“It is but Hanna and Gabriel needed me. Dad needs me.”

“What are you doing to take care of yourself?”

“I go to AC with you. I relax there, read, and just have fun.”

“True but sometimes the drama follows you there. Look at the last time we were there. You got a call from Hanna.”

“I know but I do think that will be the last time. Or at least that’s my hope after today.”

“For your sake and the kids, I hope so too. The last year has been pretty bad. Those children would have been taken away from Ruby if it weren’t for you. Does she realize that?”

“I have not said that to her. I’m sure somewhere deep inside, she knows that.”

“So are you going to call him back?”

Em tucks her hair behind her left ear. “I don’t know. When are you headed to AC next?”

“I’m booked for four weeks from today. Are you going to be able to go with me?”

“Oh, I’m going.”

Daisy laughs. “Ok then. Let’s try and do dinner some night this week since Ruby is up.”

“Sounds good. Thanks Daisy.”

“You’re welcome and what are friends for?” Daisy says, disconnecting the call.

She tucks her phone in her back pocket and heads downstairs. Tomorrow is another day that Preach can be called.

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