Rise & Shine

Beep. Beep.

Em opens her eyes. She’s back home. The ocean sounds are her night sounds, and she is not sitting on the boardwalk gazing into warm brown eyes belonging to Preach.

Beep. Beep.

Grabbing her phone, she silences the alarm and wishes she had just another hour of sleep.

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she sighs and makes her way to the bathroom to begin her day.

Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

Dressed and ready to face the day, she enters Ruby’s room. “Ruby, it’s time to get up.”


She gently shakes Ruby’s shoulder. “Ruby, rise and shine. We’ve got to get the children fed and you have an appointment today.”

Ruby takes a swipe at Em’s hand, mumbling, “Don’t wanna.”

“C’mon Ruby. You made a promise last night. Your children need you, their mother.”

Shrugging her shoulder, Ruby mutters, “I’m too tired today. Let’s do it tomorrow instead.”

Em takes a breath, “No Ruby. Today. We are doing this today. I am going to wake the children and then I’ll be back. I expect you to be in the shower.”

“I hear you.”

Em walks into Hanna’s room. Her heart melts seeing her niece curled up hugging the stuffed bear from her father and her tousled brown hair spread out on her pink pillow case. Rubbing Hanna’s back gently, “Good morning Hanna.”

“Morning Auntie Em,” Hanna whispers. “I had a dream that Daddy is cooking our breakfast today.”

“Aw honey,” Em says, making small circles with her hand on Hanna’s back.

“I miss him.”

“I know you do. We all do. He loved you and Gabriel a lot.”

“I have school today, right?”

“Yep, you do. Can you get yourself dressed while I get Gabriel up and dressed?”

“Yes. Is Mommy going to be up?”

“I hope so. I woke her up before I woke you.”

Hanna nods her head and rolls over, “It’s hard for Mommy. She misses Daddy very much. That’s why you came to live with us.”

“Yes, that’s right. Mommy will get better. It just takes time. Holler if you need help,” Em says, leaning down to place a kiss on Hanna’s cheek.

“I’m a big girl now.”

“You are a big girl. I’ll check on you after I have Gabriel up and dressed.”

Her heart lighter and a smile on her lips, she opens the door to find Gabriel already standing in his crib. “Good morning handsome.”

Gabriel’s hands are up in the air. The sign language for all babies that they want picked up.

Em lifts him out of his crib and hugs him.

“M. M,” he says, rubbing his face in her shoulder.

“Let’s get you changed and dressed,” she says, laying him down on his changing table. Placing one hand on his tummy, she grabs clothes for the day from a drawer below and then grabs a diaper from the pack on the shelf.

In a matter of minutes, Em and Gabriel are walking to Hanna’s room.

Hanna is sitting on her bed looking at a book.

“What did we decide on today, Hanna?” Em questions.

Hanna stands up to reveal black leggings with an aqua tutu over them, her red cowgirl boots, and an orange tunic to complete her outfit.

“You are styling today, Hanna. Do you mind if we change your top?”

Hanna brushes her hair out of her eyes, “That’s okay. We’ve got to do my hair too.”

“I know,” Em says, placing Gabriel on the floor. She walks to the closet and begins going through the clothes. Finding a black tunic with aqua sparkles, she holds it up. “How about this, Hanna?”

Hanna claps her hands, “I love it.”

Em makes the shirt swap and then brushes Hanna’s hair, using a single barrette to pull back some of her hair into a tuft in the back of her head. “Take a look.”

“I’m bootiful Auntie Em.”

“Yes, Hanna, you are. Let’s go check on your Mom.”

Opening the door to Ruby’s room, Em steps in, holding Gabriel with Hanna beside her. The bed is empty and the water for the shower is running.

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