Up For The Win

The meal was delicious and so was the bottle of wine they consumed. The food and the service were impeccable.  

Pushing her chair back under the table, Em says, “I’m stuffed. Everything was delectable. What’s next on the agenda?”

Laughing Daisy replies, “You have to ask? I’m headed back to the slots.”

“I’ve got forty I’m willing to lose tonight.”

“How about we do a five-line dollar machine and we both put twenty bucks in?”

Em sucks air in through her teeth, “Ew. That’s pretty steep for me.”

“It’s twenty bucks. You can quit after that and head back to the room to read or watch a movie.”

“You’re right. I was going to spend twenty, anyway. Why not do it with your best friend? What machine and on what floor?”

“I know just the one.”

“I forgot to tell you about this guy I met on the boardwalk today.”

“You bought lunch for a homeless person again?”

“No, I should have, but I didn’t. I was too busy enjoying the sun on my face and watching the people. This guy sat on the other end of the bench with his head down. I thought he was ill and asked him twice if he was alright. He answered the second time, sharing that he was just grateful for the day.”

“Was he cute?”

“He wasn’t bad looking. His voice, though, was amazing, sexy even. The timbre was deep, rich, and melodic. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.”

“This stranger made quite the impression.”

Did he make an impression?

They are now on the first floor of the casino with Daisy headed towards a wall lined with slot machines.

“Here we are. Let’s try this one,” says Daisy, waving her hand in front of the machine.

“You sit, I’ll stand.”

“Ok but we take turns on the spins. Every other one, unless you get a hit, then you spin again.”

“Got it,” Em says, handing her twenty dollars to Daisy.

Daisy feeds both twenties into the machine, “Remember the machines run hot and cold.”

“Yep and only play what you’re willing to lose.”

“Exactly. You’re pretty good at budgeting, though. Way better than I am,” Daisy presses the spin button and the reels spin. “Nothing. Your turn.”

Em presses spin and a cherry comes up, “We’ve got part of another spin on this one.”

“Maybe this machine is in its hot mode. You got that hit so you spin again.”

Pressing spin again, there are no hits.

Daisy feeds the machine a ticket, “It’s only five dollars and twenty-one cents, but I hate cashing such a small amount.” She presses spin, diamonds come up, and the machine is singing.

Mouth open, Em asks, “How much did we win?”

“It’s over six hundred dollars. Do you want to cash out or play more? We split it fifty-fifty.”

“By my calculations we have about thirty-five dollars left. Let’s do seven pulls and whatever is left, we cash out.”


The final amount on the machine was seven hundred and three dollars and twenty-one cents.

After cashing the ticket, Daisy counts out half into Em’s hand, “Three hundred and fifty dollars. Not bad for a twenty-dollar investment.”

“Agree and on that note, I’m heading back to the room with my winnings and tuck into a book in the peace and quiet. That’s a rare thing in our home. Peace and quiet.”

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