Dressed for Dining

Em and Daisy sit in silence both staring out at the ocean before them.

Daisy gently squeezes Em’s hand another time, then stands up and moves to the closet, “I am going to dress for dinner.”

Em rises from the chair and moves to the drawers containing her clothes, “I should probably hop in the shower. It was quite warm sitting in the sun.”

“Okay then I’m going to figure out what to wear. I brought a skirt and I have a pair of slacks. What are you wearing?”

“I’m going to wear a long skirt, but only because I rarely wear one. A skirt just isn’t practical with the kids and I prefer pants at work.”

“I understand that. Do you care if I don’t wear the skirt?”

Em laughs, “No, I do not. Wear what you’re comfortable in.”

The luke-warm shower feels good on Em’s back and she stands hunched over, focusing on the evening ahead. Once washed, she steps out of the shower and dries off, loving the enormous bathroom but hating the mirror that makes it hard to miss the love handles on her body. Deliberately turning her back, she dries off.

After slathering moisturizer all over her body, she wraps a towel around her and steps out, “It’s all yours. You look great.”

Smiling, Daisy heads into the bathroom in her black pants and a white floral, black embroidered sleeve blouse containing flowers that have a pink center with black petals. “Thank you. The blouse is new, but I think it is a favorite already.”

“I love it,” Em responds, pulling out a double-layered caramel color mesh skirt with black flowers that is mid-length. Heading to the closet she grabs the black knit top with the organza bubble sleeves.

Once dressed, she joins Daisy in the bathroom to complete her make-up and use the hair dryer to help remove excess moisture from her hair but not dry it. Too much dryer will mean frizzy, fly-away hair and she wants to avoid that for the evening.

Daisy, completing her eye make-up routine, pauses, nods saying, “You look amazing. Perhaps we will end up with dinner dates.”

Rolling her eyes, Em responds, “I don’t need a dinner date other than you. My life is full now.”

“It might be a pleasant distraction and help balance your life.”


“I’m being serious.”

“I know. You know we have to leave in like ten minutes, right?”

“Yes. I’m almost done.”

Ten minutes later, Daisy and Em leave, both carrying black clutches. Stepping off the elevator on the floor the restaurant is located, they walk side-by-side.

“I just want you to know that we are both receiving some attention,” Daisy mutters.

Em shakes her head, “I don’t care. I am starving and ready for a good meal though.”

“You won’t be disappointed.”

When they reach the five-star restaurant, Daisy heads to the podium where the hostess is waiting and provides her name then waves for Em.

Em joins Daisy and follows them to the table.

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