The Event

Em remembers the night clearly. She was startled awake by her cell phone ringing. Answering without looking, she hears sobbing. Loud, heart wrenching sobbing. Pulling the phone away to look at the number, it’s Ruby.  

“Ruby, what’s wrong?”  

In between huge gulps of air, Ruby chokes out, “He’s dead Em. He’s dead. I can’t live without him.” 

“Who is dead?” 

There’s some shuffling in the background.  

“This is Officer Smythe. Who am I speaking to?” 

“This is Emerald Jewell. I’m Ruby’s sister. What is happening?” 

“I regret to inform you that her husband, Zachary Wilson, was killed in an accident tonight. Are you able to come to your sister’s home?” 

“Yes, I’ll be right over.” 

Although it’s been more than a year, it’s a nightmare that she remembers frequently and it’s why she gave up her apartment to move in with Ruby. Ruby, Hanna, and Gabriel need her to keep their lives moving forward. Especially the children. 

At thirty, Em isn’t married and isn’t looking. Her life is full and sometimes, it is too much. She has her job at RinzeCom, a communication technology company, and caring for the household left by Zach.  

Watching the waves, Em sighs. There’s a click at the door. 

Daisy bursts through the door, “I didn’t think you’d be back from the boardwalk. It is gorgeous out. Or at least it looks that way from the windows.” 

Em doesn’t turn her head and continues to watch the waves pound the beach, much like the way life sometimes pounds at her. “Hanna called. Gabriel is crying and Ruby isn’t out of bed.” 

Image by Bruce Emmerling from Pixabay

Daisy’s hands flutter up to her chest, “Do we need to leave?” 

Em turns around, exhaling slowly, “No. Dad is heading over with Mom, who is having a good day. Between her Alzheimer’s and Ruby’s depression, the days ahead of me are looking bleak.” 

“I can’t imagine. What can I do?” Daisy says, sitting on the chair across from Em.  

“Just keep being my friend and listening,” Em says, returning her gaze to the ocean. 

“You’ll always have that. I promise,” Daisy says, laying her hand over Em’s and squeezing lightly. 

“When is it going to get better Daisy?” 

“I don’t know the answer, but it will. Grief takes time, and your sister was over the moon in love with Zach. I never saw two people so in love.” 

“She has to move on for Hanna and Gabriel. All they are going to remember of their mother is her lying in bed in the dark. They are dear children and I love them so much.” 

“I know and I agree. You gave up everything to help her with them. Your life isn’t your own anymore. There aren’t too many people in this world that would do what you’ve done.” 

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