Initial Meeting

Her head back and eyes closed, Em sits on the bench outside of the casino in Atlantic City enjoying the sunshine and the unusual warmth for an April day while the seagulls scream to each other in the clear blue sky as the waves crash on the beach. Smiling and her heart swelling for this respite from life, she is grateful her friend Daisy included her on this trip.  

Inhaling deeply, the salty sea air and a slight odor of fish wrap around her senses as she pulls her long blonde, wavy hair with red highlights into a ponytail and snaps a big tortoise shell barrette around the base.  

A breeze caresses the back of her neck producing a sigh, “Oh that feels good. I love the beach.” 

Eyes now open, she sees hosts of people walking on the boardwalk, riding in a cart pushed by a vendor, and the occasional person on a bike. Who can blame them for being out on such a beautiful day? 

The steps by so many reverberate on the boardwalk along with the thump of the pushcart tires and bicycle tires as they roll. A horn honk. People step away from the middle of the boardwalk and move to the edges as the tram slowly makes it way to the next casino. Her eyes widen seeing there is one person per seat on the tram then shrugs, another effect of COVID. 

Feeling the bench move, she turns her head to find the source. Sitting to her right is a man with his head down and his hands clasped between his legs.  

With brows furrowed and a slight frown she asks, “Sir, are you okay?” 

The stranger doesn’t answer. 

Refusing to ignore the silence, Em tries again, “Do you need help?” 

This time the stranger lifts his head. “No, I am fine. I thank you for your concern. I was just giving thanks for this beautiful day.”  

Shifting slightly on the bench, she merely nods while mesmerized by his big, brown eyes.  

“I couldn’t stay inside any longer. Days like this need to be enjoyed on the outside and not just looking out windows.” 

“Especially when you are at the beach,” Em agrees with a slight smile. 

“Yep, and it is the best place to live. Do you live here?”  

Em stands up and shoves her hands in her jean pockets, “No. I’m just here for the weekend. Enjoy the rest of the day.” 

“You too,” the shaggy-haired stranger says while holding up his left hand. 

Em heads back inside the casino to find Daisy. 

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