

I have an announcement ….. I am NOT perfect. Are you surprised? 

I am sure this will be a BIG surprise for our children as I may have attempted to present myself as perfect while they grew. The sad truth is that I struggle every day to not swear, not lose my temper, and not doubt myself or my abilities. Another struggle is being a good steward with the money that has been provided by the good Lord. These are just a few of the items I struggle with day to day. I’d bore you to tears with the complete list. 


While I am still progressing in my faith, I have seen improvements. I do not swear as much as I used to and I do not lose my temper as quickly. (I know that some of the change is due to my career change decision.) Our four-legged furever friends have become needy now that I am home all the time. I often wonder what they did when everyone was at work for eight to twelve hours every day. I no sooner get settled and my writing flow begins than one of the four decide they need to go outside. I try to get all four to go out together at one time which hardly ever occurs. Often, it comes down to only two heading out together. I sit back down to write and the other one or two decide they should go out…  

I find myself recognizing some of the thoughts that lead to my failings and immediately send a silent prayer up for help. This stops me in my tracks and reverts my thoughts to Him which ushers in a sense of peace. 

man kneeling down near shore
Photo Courtesy of Ben White Photography

2 Samuel 22:2-3 

“…The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer, my God is my rock; in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation …” 

Although I am not perfect, I know that God is working in my life and molding me into the person He desires and I desire. I know that through His son, I am perfect because He died for my sins.  

Philippians 3:12 

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” 

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