Wrapping It Up

Only Eleven Days Until Christmas 

happy birthday greeting card on red textile

I have had all the presents purchased for a month. I like to start picking things up in September as it spreads the pain of my purchasing out into months instead of days. I like to think I’m a smart shopper BUT depending on what I’ve got my eye on, I cannot say that I am one hundred percent of the time.  

As the boxes arrive, they are placed in our bedroom. I now have a stack of boxes that I must wrap. I LOVE shopping but detest wrapping. Sadly, you can tell by my wrapping that I dislike it. (It is as if I don’t have thumbs. My husband wraps beautifully.) I use a lot of gift bags and try to wrap some items as well. I think people like to unwrap packages more than just pulling the tissue paper out of a pretty bag. Sometimes (usually at the very beginning of the process) when a person has several items going into a bag, I will wrap one or two of them.  

Nothing helps me with the drudgery of wrapping. I always have a Christmas movie on hoping that will help with my wrapping mood and sadly, it does not. I will be wrapping next week as I put it off as long as I can, but it will have to be done before Christmas Eve. 

brown camel Christmas tree decor

Many people say that Christmas is about giving but I believe we should be giving all year round. Whether it’s paying it forward, a smile, a kind word, or a monetary gift, there are ways we can give year-round even with COVID. Our world needs more giving and kindness these days. 

Matthew 2:11 (The Magi) 

“On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, and incense and of myrrh.” 

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