Adding A Guard

Paige grateful that this day is finally over, packs her laptop and pulls on her coat. Exiting the building, she looks around for Mike and sees him waiting. “Hi Mike. You didn’t have to wait for me again. I am glad to see you after the day I’ve had though.”

Smiling and extending his hand with her cup, “Hi Paige. I’m happy to see you as well and I got you a mocha. I’m walking you to your car today so you can tell me about your day.”

“Thank you. You are so thoughtful,” she says taking the cup and accidentally brushing his hand. The heat from that touch reaches her core. Her heart is now pounding like a prize fighter in the last round.

“Tell me what happened today,” he says inhaling her fragrance which is vanilla and sandalwood. He tucks his hands in his front pockets even though he wants to hold her hand.

“I called Betts to ask if there were other women that had a problem with Joe. She told me there are and will provide those names once she confirms them. Then she hung up and sent me an instant message that Joe was in her office. This was after she’d told me he’d been very ugly to her in the hallway.”

He suddenly has a chill listening to her, and it feels like an elephant is standing on his chest. “What did you do? Is she okay?”

“I called security right away and they sent a guy to stand in the corridor as a precaution. I then raced upstairs to be there as well. Until I got there he was gone. Betts said that he just asked her to get back together with him. She said no because of her husband and left. It was very odd.”

“Stay away from him. I don’t trust him or his temper.”

“I don’t really encounter him regularly. I think I’m going to have to deviate from my routines though to avoid predictability.”

“Agreed. Any ideas as to why he would want your laptop?”

“Nothing. Unless he’s concerned for his upward mobility that I have something on there about the run-in I had with him on that project. I did share with security that he was the one that paid for the shove and grab.”

Entering the elevator together, Paige presses the appropriate floor button and as other people step in, they both become silent. It isn’t long and they reach the floor, she nods at Mike and they both make their way to the front of the car to step out.

stainless steel elevator door with buttons

“Paige, I’m going to try to walk you in and out every day. I think you need to ask your security team what they can do for your safety as well.”

“That’s too much. You work nights and need your sleep. Now that I know who it is, I can keep an eye out.”

“I know you can, but I would feel much better if I was beside you during those short walks. Let me give you my number so you can let me know when you’re coming in and leaving,” Mike demands holding out his hand for her phone so he can enter himself.

She gazes into his eyes and sees his green eyes are now a darker shade of green. He has a lock of brown hair hanging over his left eye and she wants to reach her hand out to brush it away. Instead she pulls her phone out of her tote and hands it over. “You should probably give me your phone so I can enter my number. Otherwise you won’t know it’s me.”

He nods and hands his phone.

Then they switch phones.

“My car is right over there,” she motions towards her little white two-seater.

Mike begins walking over and once there circles the car to be sure that all is in order. “The outside looks good. Why don’t you get in and start it?”

“I’m sure it’s fine,” she says as she presses the button on the handle, then hearing the click opens the door. Placing her tote on the passenger seat, she presses the brake and presses the “Start” button. The engine turns over and purrs.

“Great,” Mike says. “I’ll see you in the morning. Do not get out of the car until you see me.”

“Don’t you think we’re taking this a little too far?”

“No, I don’t. We are lucky you weren’t seriously injured when that big guy hit you for the laptop. I’m not taking any more chances.”

Her heart fluttering like a curtain on a breezy afternoon, she smiles. “Okay. Okay. See you in the morning Mike. Thank you.”

He waves and watches her back up then head toward the exit sign.

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