Temper, Temper

Her hands suddenly clammy and shaking, Paige calls Lawrence in security. “Lawrence, it’s Paige.”

“Hey Paige. Everything okay?”

“Do you have any security personnel in this building?”

“I think one guy. Why?”

“Betts just text me that Joe is in her office. She hung up on me while we were talking.”

“I’ll have our guy up there. Thanks for the heads up.”

She pulls in a deep breath and exhales then repeats the process several times. Then she types, Are u ok? There’s no way she can advise that security is on their way because she doesn’t know where Joe is standing in the office. She decides on another route and deletes what she typed. Instead she types and sends, I’m on my way.

Exiting her office, she hustles to the elevators. When the doors open, she hurries to Betts office her mouth dry and her hands still clammy. Reaching the office, she sees that Betts is by herself.

“What happened? You took ten years of my life. At least ten,” she cries.

“It’s weird. He just walks in, sits in the chair across from my desk and says he wants another chance with me. I tell him no; I’m married and I’m not hurting my husband again. He then gets up and walks away. No yelling, no name calling, nothing. Just leaves.”

“That is weird. What was the point in coming into your office then? He had to have known you were going to turn him down since you were the one to end it.”


“Now that I know you’re okay, I’m heading back downstairs.”

“Thanks for checking on me. I’ll get those names for you.”

“You’re welcome and thanks.”

Paige strolls back to the elevators her step a little lighter and slower.

Mike pulls on jeans and a t-shirt before leaving his bedroom because the police are set up in his kitchen with their surveillance. His afternoon plans include waiting for Paige on the sidewalk to escort her to the parking garage and her vehicle.

“Hey Mike,” greets Officer Miller.

“Anything happening today?”

“Nope. Quiet. Oh wait. Here comes Joe and he looks mad.”

men's black top

Joe stomps down the sidewalk to the parking garage and gets into the elevator. He exits on the third floor and heads to a car.

“That isn’t his car,” Mike says to no one in particular. “I think that is the car of the woman he’d been involved with before they broke up.”

They watch as he keys the car and kicks the sideview mirrors off.

“He sure has a temper,” Officer Miller sighs. “This man isn’t going to be easy to arrest.”

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