Missing Her

A Boring Watch
Mike slouches bare chested in one of his chairs by the window. He watches people hurry to their jobs and pulls in a breath, knowing he won’t be seeing Paige this morning. It’s gotten boring watching people now that the couple broke up and she hasn’t been in to work. Then he sees the blonde that was with her the day of the hit. What was her name? Nissy? Missy? No, Neesy. Neesy is her name. He watches her walk in and decides he should talk to her to get an update on Paige. He knows that Paige asked about him at the hospital. None of the staff would provide her any information and for that, he had mixed emotions, but he didn’t chastise them for not giving her anything. As an ER doctor, his life is hectic, and he meets all kinds of people from different walks of life. That is one of the things he loves about his job along with the fact that you never know what is coming through the doors. It keeps your mind sharp along with keeping you on your toes. There’s the male part of the couple coming out of the parking garage now. He’s chatting up a woman who works in a different building on the street. The woman is returning the conversation and looking happy. Mike assumes the guy is moving on a new woman since the one from Paige’s building will have nothing to do with him.
Mike & Neesy
Neesy steps out on the sidewalk walking to her car lost in thought about her workday tomorrow. “Excuse me, Neesy?” Mike said as he matched her stride. Neesy’s head whips to the right and she stops. Standing beside her is the hotness who helped her boss Paige. “Uhhhh hi,” Neesy stammers. “Can I help you?” “My name is Mike. I’m not sure if you remember me but I helped your boss the day she got robbed.” “I do. Thank you so much for that. Paige had me look for you after the ambulance got here and we couldn’t find you. We both wanted to say thank you.” “I was trying to stop it and got there too late. Is she okay?” “She had a concussion and was off work for a while, but she’s just been approved for half days in the office.” “Oh, that’s good. I’m glad. Thank you for speaking to me.” “Sure. Can I give Paige your number or something? I think she’ll want to talk to you herself,” Neesy asks with her head getting her phone ready to store the number and when she raises her head, he’s gone.

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