Finding Him

Mike walks the blocks to Cheese & Saucers and with each step, his breathing becomes louder. He hasn’t seen her for a week and is missing those glimpses of her heading into work as well as out of work. Those views of her are often the highlight of the day. Today being a day off, he’s walking down to that pizza shop to find the guy that tackled and hurt her. There has to be a way to make him pay that is within the lines of the law. Just inside the lines.

Pulling the door open, he steps in and sees the place isn’t busy. Sidling up to the counter, he twists his neck to see into the kitchen to find the guy needing punished. He doesn’t see him and is so engrossed trying to look at everyone in the back, he fails to see him walk up from the side of the shop.

“Can I help you buddy?”

Mike glances at the register, does a double take and sees it’s the man who hurt her. “Yeah, slice of cheese pizza and a water.”

“It’ll be about five minutes,” the big man says, throwing a slice of pizza into the oven.

Staring at the man, Mike knows he should be intimidated by his size but cracks his knuckles and widens his stance. The offender has a buzz cut, tattoos covering his arms, and his chest is as broad as a barn. Mike’s got to do this for her and stares at the man.

“You got a problem buddy?”

“What’s your name?” Mike innocently asks.

“Who wants to know?”

“I do.”

“For your slice of pie and a bottle of water? I don’t think so.”

pizza, slice, food

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