Isn’t Once Enough?

Ruby snorts, “I don’t believe you. You aren’t meeting my eyes, which is always a sign that you aren’t being honest. C’mon, spill it.”

Blowing air out through pursed lips and adding an eye roll, “So I might have met this guy, but it isn’t like you think. He isn’t the type of guy who’d go for a hookup and you know I’m not that kind of woman.”

“So what type is he?”

“I met him twice and I suspect he is a forever after guy.”

“That’s perfect. That’s you. Is he cute?”

She thinks about those dark pools that reflect kindness. “Yeah, he is. He’s got dark hair and these brown eyes that you can’t forget. He appears to be a kind man.”

Her head tilted, Ruby asks, “Appears to be kind?”

“Let’s remember, I only met him twice. What I know and saw, he is kind. He is a youth pastor and both times I saw him, he was on the boardwalk handing out bags to the homeless.”

“I suspect then that he is kind and there is no need to think otherwise. Did you exchange numbers?”

“Are you kidding? I did not give him mine, but he gave me his card.”

“Why didn’t you give him your number?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because I only met him twice? People can say they are a lot of things but unless you know them, you don’t know with certainty they are what they say.”

“If you don’t start taking chances, your life is going to be stale. Take chances. Live a little.”

“I don’t want to end up in a body bag.”

Her head back, Ruby laughs.

Image by Tawny Nina Botha from Pixabay

Em’s mouth drops. She hasn’t heard a laugh this deep or real since.. Well, since Zach died. “Are you on drugs, Ruby? Are you drinking?”

Immediately the laughter stops. Ruby’s eyes narrowed. “Why would you ask that? That’s mean Em.”

“I’m not trying to be mean. I haven’t heard you laugh in a long time.”

Tears pool in Ruby’s eyes. “I know, and I’m sorry. I was feeling sorry for myself. What you said last night, though, that hit me. Hard. Hanna and Gabriel only have me now. I’ve got to pull myself together for them.”

“I’m glad to hear this. Kids are strong but yours need you. Especially Gabriel.”

“I just miss Zach so much. He was my best friend,” she chokes back a sob. Tears are running down her cheeks. “He was my everything.”

Em moves to Ruby and hugs her. “I know he was, and he loved you. I also know he’d want you to move on and not wallow in grief.”

Using her hands to wipe the tears away from her cheeks, Ruby nods. “I know. He’d want me to move on and enjoy our memories. I’ll take Gabriel and let you get back to work.”

“I took a vacation day. I just thought I’d clean up my email until you got back.”

“Even so. I’ll take Gabriel and change him.”

“Okay. We should probably leave around ten thirty. I’ll be downstairs in a few.”

Ruby leans over and picks up Gabriel, giving him kisses all over his face. “How’s my handsome boy? Okay. I’ll see you downstairs.”

Em listens to Ruby chatter to Gabriel as she heads into the nursery to change him. She pulls out her phone and texts her dad, providing an update on Ruby then deletes the text.

At ten thirty, the three of them are walking to the garage.

“Do you want me to drive?” Em asks.

“No, I’ll drive then I know you won’t leave me there,” Ruby says with a slight smile.

“As if. I am a poor substitute for these kids.”

Ruby buckles Gabriel into his car seat in the back of the minivan. “No, you aren’t. Hanna adores you and Gabriel feels the same, I’m sure.”

“I am no match for their mother. You know them and their little idiosyncrasies.”

Chuckling, Ruby climbs into the driver’s seat. “I hope I remember how to do this.”

“That’s not even funny. Do you want me to drive?”

“No, I was teasing. It’s like riding a bike, I’m sure. It will come back to me.”

“Gabriel, buddy, we better hold on for this trip,” Em says over her shoulder.

They arrive at the counselor’s office five minutes early.

Ruby heads in to the building for her appointment.

Em slides into the back to keep Gabriel company. She leaves the side door open, so it doesn’t get too hot in the van and chats with Gabriel, who occasionally provides a gurgle.

Engrossed in her current book, Em fails to notice Ruby exiting the building until the driver’s side door opens. “Oh, my gosh. You scared me.”

Ruby sniffs, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Em climbs out of the back of the van to move back to the front passenger seat. She sees Ruby’s face is blotchy and red. “Hey, are you okay? What happened?”

“I’m fine. It was just tough going through everything again. The knock on the door, the police in the house, the funeral..,” her voice trails off.

Em bites her bottom lip. She hadn’t counted on that and crossing her fingers, hopes it doesn’t put Ruby back to the state she was in before today.

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