It’s A Beautiful Day

Her heart lighter than it has been in a year, Em looks at Hanna, “Let’s go downstairs and get breakfast ready. I’m thinking Mommy will join us.”

Placing Gabriel in his high chair, she puts a handful of dry cereal on his tray. “Hanna, what do you feel like for breakfast this morning?”

“Animal pancakes with chocolate chips, please.”

“We can do that,” Em says, pouring herself a cup of coffee. She takes a sip of her coffee and begins the batter for the chocolate chip pancakes. Deciding to add bacon, she throws some bacon atop the griddle to take advantage of the heat before the pancakes. She stirs the batter and once the ingredients are mixed, she tosses a handful of chocolate chips in and gives one last stir. Flipping the bacon over, she grabs a platter for the bacon and plates for the pancakes.

Ruby appears in the kitchen, hair still wet but dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. “Good morning loves.”

“Mommy,” Hanna cries and runs to her.

Ruby hoists Hanna up on her hip and places a kiss on her forehead. “Your outfit is beautiful today.”

“I love it.”

Ruby laughs and reaching Gabriel’s high chair, ruffles his hair, then places a kiss on the top of his head. “It smells good in here, Emerald.”

“Thanks. Hanna requested chocolate chip animal pancakes. I’m adding bacon to the menu.”

Placing Hanna in a chair, Ruby moves to the mug tree, slides a mug off, and then pours herself a cup of coffee. “What can I do?”

Em can’t help smiling, “Sit down with your children. I’ll serve this morning. It is going to be a wonderful day.”

Ruby adds flavored creamer to her mug, then settles into an empty iron chair that surrounds the round kitchen table.

Placing the finished bacon on the platter, Em pours the pancake batter into the shaped irons for bunny and dog pancakes. While the first pancakes cook, she sets the bacon on the table along with butter and syrup. “The first pancakes will be ready in minutes. Hanna, do you want juice or milk?”

“Milk, please.”

Em pours milk into a sippy cup for Hanna and a toddler cup with two handles for Gabriel, setting each cup in front of the rightful owner. She flips the animal pancakes, listening to Hanna chatter with her mother about her school day. Her smile broadens and her heart soars like an elevator rushing to the top floor.

The animal pancakes cooked, she flips them onto the platter and adds batter for plain ‘ole circle pancakes. “Hanna, do you want the bunny or the puppy?”

Image by Andrea Pangilinan from Pixabay


Em places the bunny on Hanna’s plate.

Ruby cuts the bunny into pieces and adds syrup to the side along with some bacon.

Hanna digs in with gusto.

Ruby places a small piece of pancake on Gabriels tray.

Em clips the last of the pancakes and rinses out the bowl, placing it in the dishwasher. Tossing the last of the pancakes on the platter, she refreshes her coffee and sits down to enjoy breakfast.

Ruby holds her mug with both hands, “I can walk Hanna to preschool this morning.”

Raising her eyebrows, Em pauses. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. I want to and I figure you can make calls for an appointment then.”

“All right. I’ll do that.”

Breakfast done and the dishes in the dishwasher, Ruby departs holding Hanna’s hand.

Em places Gabriel in his play area, which currently sits in her office and begins calling the list of counselors she’s got from friends. The last name on the list has an opening at eleven and she grabs it for Ruby. She emails her boss requesting a vacation day and receives an immediate reply to take the day.

“Gabriel, I think we’re going to see the other side.”

Gabriel babbles and bangs some plastic toys together.

“That’s right. It is all good,” Em responds and deciding since Ruby isn’t back, does some work on the emails sitting in her inbox for work.

“I’m home. It is a beautiful day out there,” Ruby announces, entering the house.

“Good. You have an appointment at eleven today. I’ll take you there. Gabriel and I can hang out in the car together while we wait.”

Ruby nods, “How was your trip to AC?”

“It was nice. I always have fun with Daisy and it didn’t hurt I came home with extra cash.”

“Nice. Did you meet anyone?”

Em laughs, “Seriously?”

Ruby shrugs, “What? I think it’s a fair question.”

“No, I didn’t meet anyone,” Em says, not meeting Ruby’s gaze.

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