Secretly Hopeful

Reaching their room, Em changes into pajamas and slides into bed, using the extra pillow to prop herself up to read. Another reason she loves these trips with Daisy. Her features soften as she slides herself down from the pillows and fluffs one for more head support.  

She sighs, “I so needed this. This is the life. A bed with clean sheets I didn’t wash and a bed I didn’t make.”

Resuming her spot in the recent release of her favorite futuristic cop book, she quickly loses herself in the story.

Em hears the small coffee machine in the room gasping as it forces the last bit of water through. The room is still dark. “Daisy?”

Daisy appears around the corner, walking towards the counter with the coffeemaker. “Morning sleepy head. I’m glad we head back tomorrow instead of today. I think Mondays are the worst day of the week.”

Stretching and pushing herself back up in bed, she asks, “How did you do last night? What time did you come back?”

“I think it was around midnight. You were sound asleep with your book on the floor. I came back with more money last night, so I’m ready for today. What are your plans?”

“It’s supposed to be nice again, so I thought I’d sit on the boardwalk and enjoy the sun again.”

“Is it really the sun? Or are your hoping you’ll see the stranger again?”

Em laughs and shakes her head, “It’s just for the sun.”

“Do you want to grab breakfast together?”

“Sure. I’ll hop in the shower quick and get dressed.”

They choose the little café on one of the upper floors.

“I’m glad there was no wait,” Daisy said, sliding into a chair across from Em. “Are you going to get the buffet or order from the menu?”

“I’m going to do the menu.”

“Okay. I can’t wait for that. I’m going to the buffet. Can you have her bring coffee for the table?”

“Definitely,” Em replied, reviewing the menu options.

The server arrives, “Morning. Two for the buffet?”

Daisy looks up, “No, just one. Can we get a pot of coffee for the table, please? Also, can you be sure to give me the check for this?”

“Yes, on the coffee pot and yes on the check. Are you ready to order?”

“I am. I’ll take two eggs over easy, hash browns, and crispy bacon, please.”

“What kind of toast did you want?”

“Rye please.”

“You got it. I’ll be back shortly with the pot of coffee.”

“Thank you so much.”

Daisy returns with a loaded plate and an enormous smile. “I’m not counting calories today. They have a lot of good stuff up there.”

“It looks like it. Our coffee will be here shortly.”

“Great. Do you want some of this?”

“No. I’m good. My order will come soon. Is your food hot? I know last time we came; you weren’t happy because the food was lukewarm.”

“They were just putting new stuff out, so I grabbed that because I knew it would be hot.”

“That was smart. You know, I don’t think its as busy because it’s Sunday morning and I bet many people are checking out,” Em eyes Daisy’s plate and sees waffles, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, and hash browns. She does not know where Daisy puts it all.

Nodding, Daisy says, “You may be right. April is still off season down here.”

The server appears with the pot of coffee and pours their first cups, “The menu order will be out shortly.”

“That’s fine. Thank you,” Em says while adding cream to her coffee and when complete, takes a sip. “Oh, this is good.”

A plate of eggs, hash browns, and they slid crispy bacon in front of Em. Looking over her shoulder, she sees it is their server. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Here’s your toast. Is there anything else either of you need?”

Daisy shakes her head no.

“I think we’re good. Thank you so much,” Em responds and begins digging into her breakfast.

Daisy, almost finished with her plate, asks, “How is it?”

“Good. Very good. Are you done?”

“No. I think I’m going to go back up and get some fruit.”

Breakfast over, they head down to the first floor of the casino.

Em heads for the boardwalk, secretly hoping she runs into the stranger from yesterday.

Daisy heads to some of her favorite slot machines.

Stepping out of the casino into the bright sunshine, Em shades her eyes, looking for an open bench. She sees one down to the right just on the other side of the casino and moves quickly to get there before anyone else. Reaching it, she sits in the middle, hoping it deters anyone from sitting down alongside of her.

Her hand over her eyes to help shade them from the sun, she looks for the stranger.

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