Month: March 2021

Secretly Hopeful

Reaching their room, Em changes into pajamas and slides into bed, using the extra pillow to prop herself up to read. Another reason she loves these trips with Daisy. Her features soften as she slides herself down from the pillows and fluffs one for more head support.   She sighs, “I so needed this. This …

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Up For The Win

The meal was delicious and so was the bottle of wine they consumed. The food and the service were impeccable.   Pushing her chair back under the table, Em says, “I’m stuffed. Everything was delectable. What’s next on the agenda?” Laughing Daisy replies, “You have to ask? I’m headed back to the slots.” “I’ve got …

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Dressed for Dining

Em and Daisy sit in silence both staring out at the ocean before them. Daisy gently squeezes Em’s hand another time, then stands up and moves to the closet, “I am going to dress for dinner.” Em rises from the chair and moves to the drawers containing her clothes, “I should probably hop in the …

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The Event

Em remembers the night clearly. She was startled awake by her cell phone ringing. Answering without looking, she hears sobbing. Loud, heart wrenching sobbing. Pulling the phone away to look at the number, it’s Ruby.   “Ruby, what’s wrong?”   In between huge gulps of air, Ruby chokes out, “He’s dead Em. He’s dead. I can’t live without him.”  “Who is dead?”  There’s some …

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