Another Nice, Easy Read

The Need For Creativity

When I struggle with my own creativity, I read. My hope is that others creativity will launch my own and to be honest, it is nice to escape into stories told by others. While my sister-in-law and one of my daughters enjoy Audible for their listening, I prefer holding the actual book or leveraging one of my e-readers. Regardless of the method, a well written story provides the means for me to escape and enjoy creativity by others.  

Author, Marina Adair

I just finished a book by Marina Adair, another new author for me. The book was RomeAntically Challenged. It takes place in Rome, RI. Having a daughter who lives in RI and another who is pursuing her NP so I could relate to the protagonist Annie (although she’s a PA).   

After a tough break-up, Annie takes a job in Rome. She thought it was Rome Italy and NOT Rome, RI which is a huge disappointment. Once in her rental unit, she’s faced with an unwanted male intruder who turns out to be the owner, Emmitt, a famous photographer/journalist.

It was a light, easy read and I found myself smiling periodically as I moved through the book. The characters are well developed and provide drama along with some chuckles. Especially macho Emmitt and his teenage daughter who is attempting to spread her wings.  

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I look forward to reading more of her work such as Hopeless Romantic, the Sugar Georgia series, and many others. I love finding new authors because it equals more to read.   

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