I Loved Them All!

Happy New Year!  

My apologies for not posting last week. I decided to take the week off from any of my writing and researching to recharge. 

The past two months I’ve been reading. A lot. I consider it my homework since I am working to become a published author.  It’s the best kind of homework. I love getting lost in the story and my everyday work (cleaning, laundry, etc …) becomes forgotten. Okay. Maybe not forgotten but definitely not in the front of my mind. 

The author is Catherine Anderson. I lost myself in the Mystic Creek novels. All of them. Then I moved to a Christmas story she wrote about three years ago (The Christmas Room). What a wonderful writer and such great stories!  

Being a huge supporter of our local library book sales, I purchased one of the Mystic Creek novels at the sale in the spring. I was only halfway through the book when I knew that I needed all of them. Thank goodness for online shopping! I ordered the rest of the series and spent November along with December working through all of them. (That was in between finishing one manuscript and researching for the next. Oh, and decorating for the holidays.)  

I like how we got to know different characters with the different stories, but everyone was tied to Mystic Creek. The stories are so well written that I found myself feeling the emotions with the characters.  I was really pulled into their plight and of course, the happy ending.  They were truly a pleasure and over way too soon.

I encourage you to check out her other books. I know I will.

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