First Day of Detail

“Good morning Mike,” Paige greets Mike when he answers his phone as she is walking to her car.  Her heartbeat quickens just thinking about seeing him this morning. “I’m getting ready to drive into the parking garage.”

“Good Morning Paige,” Mike responds with a smile and thinking it was nice to hear her voice first thing after his shift. “How long does it take you to get to the garage?”

Her face warms as she hears his deep voice and she can’t help but smile, “It usually takes twenty to twenty-five minutes depending on traffic.”

“Okay. Park on the top floor. I’ll meet you there with a cup of coffee,” commands Mike.

“See you in a few.”

Paige thinks about Mike as she makes her way into town for work. While she doesn’t know much about him, he appears to be a nice and caring man who is drop dead gorgeous. She’d like to get to know him better and this personal guard detail may provide that opportunity.

Mike stops off at his apartment on his walk home from work to leave his messenger bag there. A slight smile on his face he greets the police officers on watch detail, “Paige just called, and she’s headed in. I told her I’d grab coffee and meet her on the top floor. Has Joe arrived?”

“No. We haven’t seen him for a couple of days now. We think he’s working from home. We have a detail on that location too,” shares the senior officer in the apartment.

“Okay. I’m not sharing that with Paige. I want her to remain on high alert.”

Mike exits his apartment building and heads to the nearest coffee shop to make good on his promise to Paige. Ordering a black coffee for himself and a mocha for Paige, he departs once they are in the drink carrier.

Interior of a Restaurant

He walks to the parking garage and steps in the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor. Upon reaching the top floor, he circles around and notices that there is currently no one parked there which lessens his concern. It is early thought and he’s sure by this evening, there will be cars parked on the floor.

Paige turns into the garage and makes her way to the top floor. Waving when she sees Mike, she parks close to the elevators. Smiling at him as she steps out of her car, “This is a great way to start my day. Although I think this is a smidge unnecessary.” Grabbing her tote, she shuts her door and locks the car.

Mike moves to the car and waits for her. There’s a brief smile and then he respond sternly, “It’s not unnecessary. I don’t trust Joe. If he could hire someone to run into you and grab your laptop, what will he do?”

Paige says nothing because he has a point. She still doesn’t really know why Joe wanted her laptop.  

“Here’s your mocha,” Mike says, handing the coffee to Paige. “I hope you like it.”

“Any coffee in the morning is going to be fine. Thank you for this. It was very thoughtful.”

Mike shrugs though his heart is now pounding like a marathon runner crossing the finish line and he is pretty sure he’s sweating too. He notices she smells like vanilla and is struck speechless for a moment. Pulling himself together he responds, “You’re welcome. Are you ready to head down and head to the office?”

“Honestly, no, but I have to be at work. I’ve got a full day of conferences.”

They begin the descent to the ground floor.

Paige takes the opportunity of Mike staring straight ahead to check him out in his scrubs. She’s got to admit that regardless of what this hotty wears, it all looks good.

Mike sees Paige studying him from the corner of his eye and struggles not to smile and instead questions, “Is my appearance okay?”

Paige feels her face grow warm and drops her eyes, “Yes. You look good.”

Mike chuckles, “I’m glad I meet with your approval.”

“Did you grow up around here?” Page questions.

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