The Name

Enjoying the walk in ripped jeans, sneakers, and a t-shirt Mike saunters to Cheese & Saucers. Today is the day he finds out who caused Paige to get hurt and steal her work laptop. Then the question becomes whether or not he shares the information with her or the police. Maybe he lets them both know.

Reaching the pizza shop, Mike pulls the door open and walks inside. Again, there are no customers but a lot of employees. It’s not a big place and with people eating inside, there’d be even less room so perhaps the bulk of the business is delivery which explains why they’d need the large amount of employees they have.

Bo steps out from the kitchen, “Oh it’s you.”

“It’s been a week. I told you I’d be back in a week. Do you have a name for me?”

“I do. His name is Joe. He works in the same building and company as the woman does.”

“Were you able to take his picture?”

“I didn’t but one of my guys did when he stopped here the end of last week,” Bo turns to the kitchen, yelling. “Hector send me that picture of the guy you took for me last week.”

“You got it boss.”

“Send it to this number when you get it,” Mike demands, providing his phone number to Bo.

“Done,” Bo said. “We done here?”

“Yep. You came through with the name and a picture. It’s done. Thanks,” Mike checks his phone and sees the photo landed. He walks out of Cheese & Saucers without a backward glance.

Walking back to his apartment, Mike knows he should be going to the police with this but he feels that Paige should know first. Especially since the guy works for the same company. He decides to go to the police after sharing the information with Paige but he’ll be keeping an eye out on this guy.

Pulling the picture up and really looking at it, he realizes it’s the guy who had been part of the couple he watched in the parking garage that just broke up. Shaking his head, he wonders just what is going on inside of that building. He also suspects this guy may be a loose cannon. He will need to get to Paige on her walk to the parking garage tonight to give her the heads up.

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