Mike & Bo

“Look man, I don’t want no trouble,” Bo says backing up holding his hands up in the air. “A guy in a suit came in one day asking if I could help him out. I didn’t mean to hurt the lady it was just supposed to be a snatch and grab.”

“What was his name?” Mike asked, taking a step forward dropping his fists but keeping them clenched.

“I don’t know. I’ve seen him coming and going from the building where we dropped food of for that big, hairy guy.”

“Describe him.”

“Tall, medium build, and brown hair. He’s gotta temper though. That I’ve seen when his woman didn’t pick up his call.”

“Do you deliver to that building a lot?”

Bo shifts from foot to foot, stutters, “Yeah, pretty regular.”

“Snap a picture of him the next time you see him on one of your deliveries there. I’ll give you one hundred bucks,” Mike offers with a curt nod.

“Just for a picture?”

“Yep, just for a picture. Did he tell you why he wanted you to do the snatch and grab?”

“He wanted her laptop for some reason. Nothing else, just the laptop and I delivered it the same day I grabbed it.”

Mike releases his fists. It was an inside job but why? If they work for the same company, why couldn’t the guy get what he needed right from her?

“Okay. I’ll look for the picture from you in the next week,” Mike says, bumping his chin up at Bo.

“Yeah. Yeah. Okay. How do I get a hold of you?”

“I’ll be back this time next week to check in on you. Have it ready.”

Bo moves his head slightly up then down. His lips are in a straight line with his arms crossed over his chest.

The crew from the kitchen disappears back into the kitchen while Bo watches Mike leave.

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