Hothead Investigation

At Home

Paige is pacing in her apartment trying to identify a way to get around the half-day work requirement. She isn’t sure there is a way knowing the company is concerned of legal action because the attack occurred on her way to work with their property being stolen. Running her fingers back through her hair and blowing air out between her pressed lips, she circles back to the couch.

Hearing her cell ring, she doesn’t recognize the number but answers anyway.

“Hello,” she answers.

“Paige, this is Lawrence from Rezon security.”

“Is this about my laptop?”

“No. I’m calling to find out what you know about Joe and Betts. Talking to Betts she indicated that you had concerns.”

“I’ve worked with Joe on project and am familiar with him. I believe he has anger management issues and based on what Betts told me, he’s possessive and controlling. Not a good mix for a workplace romance which I was against to begin with and expressed that to Betts.”

“Okay. Anything else you think I should know?”

“Just that I think he’s a loose cannon. I just hope whatever happens occurs outside of work and not in the workplace itself.”

Information Please

Off the phone with Lawrence, Paige texts Betts to let her know about the call from Security and what she shared. Betts doesn’t respond immediately which means she may be on a web conference. She then sends a text to Neesy asking if she found anything more about the good looking guy that was at her side immediately after she was robbed. Neesy responds right away advising she’s made inquiries and still has no name or address. The emergency room personnel do seem to know who the man is and are saying nothing. Why wouldn’t they share that information?

3 thoughts on “Hothead Investigation”

  1. I need more please! I’ve been checking every couple of days for “Unfurling” to continue. You are just teasing
    us! ❤️

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