Information Wanted

Another big guy leans out of the kitchen yelling, “Bo we just got a big order from one of the office buildings downtown.”

“Okay Bo. So, tell me why you struck that woman last week and stole her briefcase?”

“I don’t gotta tell you nuthin’. Here’s your slice and bottled water. That’s four bucks. Pay up and get out.”

“How do you know David in the building she works?”

“Who the heck is David? I don’t know no David. I’m not tellin’ you again. Four bucks. Pay up and vamoose.”

“I need answers,” Mike snarls, banging his fists on the top of the counter. He hopes the cops will be called if a fight starts so he’s going to start one. “And I’m going to get them. Let’s go.”

Bo comes out from behind the counter with his fists clenched, down at his side.

Mike turns to face him with his arms up, fists ready to go. Everyone in the back is piling out of the door into the space behind the counter. Mike now isn’t sure this is such a good idea because they all clearly spend a lot of time lifting weights and he’s seeing some tattoos that can mean prison time for some.

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