Hair Daze

COVID Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

This is a picture of my actual hair today. There are probably four maybe five different colors in those untamed tresses INCLUDING my natural gray. To be clear, I have not had the color on my hair touched since February 5, 2020. That is more than five months with no new color or any type of a cut. Do you know how hard this is for someone who has their hair colored and cut every six weeks? I confess that I did cheat about two months ago, and I snipped the ends off. A very tiny bit came off. I couldn’t stand the horror of the ends, so I acted. I hung my head upside down and snip, snip. Okay. It might have been more than two snips, but it was done, and I felt better.

I could have colored my own hair. You know, purchased a box and completed it at home. The sad truth is though, that I get more of the dye on the floor, sink, walls, and the ceiling than I get in my hair. It’s safer for the bathroom and my hair if I use a professional. Scrubbing that dye off everything is tough.

Tomorrow I have an actual hair appointment. My heart is pounding, and I can’t sleep thinking about how great my hair is going to look! I am not only going to get rid of that gray along with some of the other colors, I am also cutting at least four to six inches off the ends as well. The long, curly, frizzy locks will be gone. I will be leaving with a short, curly cut. Exciting!

New hair, new me! Okay. Not a new me but a better feeling me. I’ve spent countless hours poring over pictures for the cut and eyeballing a possible color change too. I still haven’t fully decided on the color. I know however, the gray will be GONE! Happy days are here again!

I am hoping that the salons stay open and don’t have to close again. Are you experiencing any hair challenges with the new normal? Stay plugged in for more about me and the continuation of Unfurling.

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